Monday 11 January 2016

Two Ingredient Pancakes

One + One = Pancakes.
All you need in this recipe are two ingredients. There are a bunch of add ons if you'd like but if you're in the mood for pancakes and don't have all the items for the traditional sort, two eggs and one banana will get you very far.

- two eggs
- one ripe banana

Potential add ons:
- cinnamon
- sugar
- vanilla
- whatever else...I don't know, experiment


Crack eggs. Mash with Bananas.

Add in 'add-ons' but leave harder things like chocolate chips and nuts till the end cooking process.

Heat pan, add oil.
Cook on one side, cook on the other.

Two ingredient pancakes.

Seriously, this process is so intuitive I can't see anyone messing this up but I suppose it is possible. The texture of these pancakes are not quite pancake like. It doesn't have any flour to give it density or bite so what you end up with are a sort of soggy sweet cake. For impromptu, I need my pancakes now, type situations, these work well. Pancake purests will find the texture quite lacking.

It takes a while to cook each side and be gentle when flipping. I had some break apart of me, smaller cakes will solved this. Again, lack of flour doesn't make these the most structurally durable but taste-wise, these were pretty good alone or with some yogurt and peanut butter spread on top.



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